Weekly Events


9:00 AM | Sunday Small Groups | Men & Women

The Men's Group meets in the Multi-purpose room

The Women's Group meets in the conference room in the office. There is also an online option through Zoom for the Women's group.  

Women's Study Link: COH Women's Sunday Small Group (Zoom Meeting ID: 833 1523 9439; Passcode: 640587)

9:00 AM|

Student Ministry | Grade 6-12 

Leader: Volunteer Team Led

Come for Bible Study and games!

9:00 AM|

Young Professionals

20's-30's Bible Study, upstairs in the Kidztown building.

9:00 AM|

Rise and Shine at "The Pearl at Jamestown"

Join us in living, loving and serving as we visit with the residents each Sunday morning.


6:00-7:00 PM Prayer Time Every Tuesday

Multipurpose Room Annex



6:30-7:30 PM |

Midweek at COH  

Leader: Pastor Lance

Join us Wednesday nights for Bible Study! We will continue to use Google Hangout for those virtually attending (doors open at 6:30 pm). To join, please click this link: Midweek Online


10:00-11:30 AM |

Women's Precept Study

The Precepts Bible Study is currently going through the book of Romans. There is no childcare provided. 


  • March book of the month

    4 Chair discipling by Dann Spader

    Through studying the life of Christ and His disciple-making methods, Dann developed 4 Chair Discipling, a simple picture for others to follow. Jesus' last words on earth had a few very specific instructions: Go, make disciples, baptize, and teach. But what does that mean for us today? Well, it's not easy. But it is simple. Teacher and leader Dann Spader explains disciple-making as a process of moving people through four chairs, from someone seeking to know more about Christ to someone who makes disciples themselves.

  • Life tracks 101 membership class

    March 16th and 23rd

    Are you curious about what The Church of the Highlands is all about? Do you want to know our purpose, how we operate, what is the basis for our teaching, how we structure our staff and leaders or where the money goes?  Are you interested in being involved in more things or even serving in a part of our congregation?  Or maybe you just have questions and want to know a little more what we are doing up on this little hill on Highland road.  Sign up for this 2 session class and you will have the opportunity to get a great idea of what we are all about and even have the chance to take that a step further, if you so desire, and join COH!   Click here and let us know you want to come!

  • Igniting hope UNBOUND NOW GAlA

    March 30th  |  7PM

    Renaissance baton rouge hotel

    This event is critical to raising the funds needed to expand our efforts and increase Unbound Now's impact in our local community. Currently in Louisiana, Unbound acts as first responders to trafficked victims ages 17 and under in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. In 2024, they served 217 victims in these two cities alone. If you would like to purchase tickets, please click here

  • Roundtable review -  2024's book list!

    Every month, our COH community is encouraged to join together in READING more! Pastor Lance has prayed through many and chosen 13 books this year as a group. We read one a month. At the beginning of the following month, we meet together and Pastor Lance leads a discussion centered around that book.  Here is this list of books for the upcoming year:

    January     Gods at War by Kyle Idleman

    February   Screwtape Letter by C. S. Lewis

    March       Four Chair Discipling - What Jesus Calls Us To Do by Dann Spader

    April          Final Word by John Macarthur

    May           Hard Sayings by R. C. Sproul

    June          Leaving Yesterday Behind by William Hines

    July            Practicing the Way by John Marc Comer

    August       Awe by Paul David Tripp

    September Name Above All Names by Sinclair Ferguson and Alistair Begg

    October     Designed For Joy by Jonathan Parnell and Owen Strachan

                       50 Crucial Questions - by John Piper and Wayne Grudem

    November Esther by Charles Swindoll

    December  Christmas Playlist by Alistair Begg